
Room XYZ

An installation that speculated what (VR) Virtual Reality might mean for the present and future of architecture through a Mixed-Reality Narrative

Project // Room XYZ, Motel

Process // An immerssive + interactive VR installation

Place // Royal Viking Motel

Host // One Night Stand for Art & Architecture

Role // Creative Director & Producer

Team+// Nels Long, Jacob Falk, Paul Krist, Alex Petrakos, FBH5

An immersive experience that ultimately questions what Virtual Reality (VR) might mean for the present and future of architecture? Will the built environment continue to progress or pause, because as VR renders “real” atmospheres one might wonder if the physical world/layer becomes secondary. 

This 4d narrative focuses on privacy in the digital-scape. A world made up of point clouds and meshes, where spaces fall vulnerable to interference, as space hackers intervene in the soon extinct “private spaces”. Room XYZ-Motel should be read as a beta experience for these speculative futures, blurring the lines between VR and reality. Furthermore, a test that transfers real-time data into a virtual world, along with using a site specific narrative to activate a confluence of questions. As VR remains in a state of white noise, we will continue to hypothesize its’ impact.


Story Telling in 4D is a powerful way to transcend

Project // Room XYZ , Basement

Process // An immerssive + interactive VR installation

Place // Chinatown Plaza

Host // LA Design Festival

Team+ // Nels Long, Jacob Falk

Room XYZ-Basement, in response to the context of China Town, this iteration plays off the activity of “space hacking” previously explored into “time hacking” from the point of view of a character. This character is exposed to the timeline of his ancestors as a means of understanding what came before and leading into the act of creation, or what comes after.