
Other Skin

Is our self-identity being manufactured by technology

Project: Other Skin

Process: World Building, Cautionary Tale

Role: Writer, Director, Producer

Team+: Jeff Wilkins, Drew Kessler, Liam Young

What does identity mean in tomorrow’s world, physically and digitally, or will there be a difference anymore? Our self-identities, that is, how we define and see ourselves as unique individuals, play a vital role in who we are and the direction that our lives take, therefore as a whole what direction society takes. In the last decade our social worlds have dramatically expanded due to the (procreation or generation) of the internet and social media; big data overload of external influences. Therefore this acceleration of social influences in parallel with the recent explosion of technology, may be shaping our self-identities in ways most of us are not even aware of it.

(IBT), Integrated Bio Tech : Allowing one to become and live in their own avatar

This mixed reality world takes place in the near future, within the low-res sector of the downtown Los Angeles. Oto, working at an underground-lab manufacturing avatars comes to the realization that he's under the same influence of his users, going through life as alternative versions of oneself. This internal confrontation enables Oto to permanently sacrifice his body to be other, rendering himself as nothing. 

