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P.O.A.P Art

Activating Digital Ubranism, by augmenting murals.
A new way of users interacting with their city

Project: P.O.A.P (AR)t

Process: Mobile (AR) Experience

Place: Melbourne, Jungle Funk Mural

Team +: (MSD) Students

Role: Lead Adviser

Our goal with this design-research studio is to expose participants to emerging/alternative “design” opportunities in correlation to architecture, media, and technology. Participants will collaboratively investigate the relationship between (AR), the city, and its’ occupants. Within a 10 day time-frame, we targeted a prominent mural to activate using mobile (AR) technology. The team designed a set of digital creatures as a new interactive layer hosted from the site specific mural, “jungle funk”by Mike Makatron.

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Located in Melbourne, Australia, the site-specific project targets a set of graffiti loaded alley‘s that best represent the cities street art culture - utilizing the jungle of urban imagery with existing machine learning image-recognition technology. The goal is to digitally hack the historic alley and create a comprehensive augmentation for the city flanuer to experience.
