

How long before we’re all walking the streets with AR masks

Project // Selfie

Process // Real-time Facial Recognition, Tracking & Simulation

Role // Creative Director

Team+ // Sebastian Peschiera

Support // Microsoft Kinect 1

The human face is interesting media, as "selfie" demonstrates what the near-future of appearances could be in a more digital world where augmented reality (AR) is bountiful. Where once plastic surgery was needed to alter someone's looks, can soon be a user-friendly app that helps update one's AR skin. We have just begun to tap into digital tools that could allow for much more radical image alterations faster, more easily, and fully reversible.

Now imagine someone hacking your AR avatar and updating it to a series of frightening masks without your knowledge; scary. Digital anonymity is problematic enough on the internet, what havoc could it wreak in real life?
